So I have received some bad news on my a1c journey. I was down to 8.5 which by the way was great progress for me since I don't have a cgm or pump or any other of the modern equiptment that other type 1s with a1c levels of 7 or below have. My health insurance does not cover the pump or the cgm (continuous glucose monitor). I know that with a CGM it will change my life. I had one once for two months and my a1c dropped 5 points. You can set the meter to beep when you blood sugar is going to high or too low. I had it to beep if I was heading over 180 or under 70. This allowed my blood sugar to remain in target most of the day for the weeks I was with the CGM. Dexcom has a new one that I really want. It would be amazing if DEXCOM could pay it forward and send me one along with test supplies. I even contacted them and proposed this ask and in turn I would blog and facebook and instagram my progress from using their cgm. I heard back from someone and they said that they would forward my request to whom it may concern in the company so you never know what asking will allow you to get. The cgm tracks your blood sugar multiple times ever hour so you are able to visually see how your body is processing when you eat, after you eat, while you exercise, after you exercise, while you are sleeping. ITs a way better understanding of your body and the disease rather than a one time stick 7 times a day with the blood meter. But for now I have to do with what I have. I am in a diabetes study where they are watching my levels every week, so that helps a bit with accountability.
I am getting married in 4 months and I would like my sugars to be at a 7 or lower a1c consistently before we start trying for a baby. In fact I have been advised not even to start on babies until the a1c is at 7 or below for at least 6 months. In other words its needs to be a total turn around in my diabetes care before it would be safe enough to try. I am praying to God to help guide me without the advanced tools to get to a better daily level. Type one is just so tricky. I can wake in the 300's having not even had a huge dinner. So for those who do not have it and tell me you need to do better with tracking your sugars and such just have no idea what they are talking about and sometimes it makes me so mad but I just try and think of the fact that they are concerned even if they don't know what they are talking about with respect to advice for my particular type 1.
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