Diabetes Caucus –as of Thursday March 7 th ,the following Members of Congress joined:
Karen Bass (CA-37)
Schneider (IL-10)
Kennedy (MA-4)
Schock (IL-18)
Diabetes Caucus –as of Thursday March 7 th ,the following Members of Congress joined:
Karen Bass (CA-37)
Schneider (IL-10)
Kennedy (MA-4)
Schock (IL-18)
Staying at the infamous Omni shorham hotel for Ada call to congress. Training has begun delegates from across the us all in one room with one common cause. TO STOP DIABETES. no cuts for funding on prevention and research health programs. These programs help prevent cure and improve the lives of ALL people affected by diabetes.
Our asks 2.216 billion for national institutes of health national institute of diabetes and digestive and kidney disease. The pump was invented by this program.
86.3 for center for disease control and preventions division of diabetes translation. This has taken care of tracking numbers and raising awareness.
Every member of congress to join diabetes caucus.
It's amazing how powerful sharing your story can be. Your story can help save a life, help motivate, help make a transition easier or even make someone feel they are not alone. That is what happened today on our panel personal stories sprouting questions and shared information.